Megaupload cheat Tutorial

This tut will help you clear the megaupload slot restriction.

This tut is made my me but the cheat was not found by me so credit goes to the finder.
The tut is really simple to follow and if u have any questions then plz [u]post it in this topic or pm me.
What you have to do is the following.

1. Start Firefox and go to

2. There, click Install and following screen will pop up:

3. click install and restart Firefox

4. Then go to this menu: Options>>>User Agent>>>Options >>> Options(*click*)>>>User Agents and you'll get a window like this:

5. Now click Add and insert following informations like on the screen:
+ Description: MEGAUPLOAD
+ User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; Alexa Toolbar)

Now all you need to do before going to megaupload is selecting the following;
Options>>>User Agents>>>Megaupload
Isn't this great

Hope you'll have fun

Enjoy your downloads.


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