How to Customize Right Click Menus

Till now you simply learnt how to delete the special system folders by deleting a registry key, but the hack would have been better if there was a way of adding the DELETE and RENAME option to the right click context menus of these special folders. You can actually change the right click context menu of any system folder and add any of the following options: RENAME, DELETE, CUT, COPY, PASTE and lots more.

This hack too requires you to know the CLSID value of the system folder whose menu you want to customize. In this section, I have taken up Recycle Bin as the folder whose context menu I am going to edit.

First launch the registry editor and open the following registry key:


In case you want to edit some other folder like say the FONTS folder, then you will open the following key:


In the right pane there will be a DWORD value names attributes. Now consider the following options:

1.To add the Rename option to the menu, change the value of Attributes to

50 01 00 20

2. To add the Delete option to the menu, change the value of Attributes to

60 01 00 20

3. To add both the Rename & Delete options to the menu, change the value of Attributes to


4. Add Copy to the menu, change Attributes to

41 01 00 20

5. Add Cut to the menu, change Attributes to

42 01 00 20

6. Add Copy & Cut to the menu, change Attributes to

43 01 00 20

7. Add Paste to the menu, change Attributes to

44 01 00 20

8. Add Copy & Paste to the menu, change Attributes to

45 01 00 20

9. Add Cut & Paste to the menu, change Attributes to

46 01 00 20

10. Add all Cut, Copy & Paste to the menu, change Attributes to

47 01 00 20

11. We want to add only the Rename option to the right click context menu of the Recycle Bin, so change the value of attributes to:

50 01 00 20

Press F5 to refresh and then after rebooting you will find that when you right click on the Recycle Bin a RENAME option pops up too.

12. To reset the default Windows options change the value of Attributes back to

40 01 00 20

The Registry File which one can create for the above process would be something like the below:



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