More Simultaneous Downloads With Flashget

I use a download manager, Flashget for my Rapidshare downloading. Since Flashget only offers up to 8 simultaneous downloads, I applied this tweak to this program to enable me to download more than 8 files at one time. This tutorial requires you to modify the registry, so please backup your registry before you start to implement what this tutorial says.

Go to start > Run> then type “regedit”

go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JetCar\JetCar\General

open “General”

right-click with your mouse into the right window and create a new “DWORD” value

name new value “MaxSimJobs”

now doubleclick “MaxSimJobs”, choose “decimal” and enter a new value "100"

press “return” and close registry-editor

In Flashget/tools/ options you can now set max. downloads up to 100 instead of 8.


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